The Labyrinth at Indiana Interchurch Center
Indianapolis, Indiana
Located southwest of the Butler University campus,...
... and just west of the Christian Theological Seminary property, the Indiana Interchurch Center has installed a turf labyrinth in a lovely meadow between their parking lot and a tree-line backing up to the White River canal.
This labyrinth is 80 feet in diameter; an 11-circuit interpretation of the 800 year-old Chartres labyrinth path’s design in France.
With plenty of parking, this turf labyrinth, constructed in May of 2012, is in a wonderful location. It is open to the public and easily accessible for walking every day of the week. Benches around the labyrinth provide ample seating for contemplation, quiet and prayer. A center paver rosette also awaits as a place to rest after the inward journey through the labyrinth.
To see additional photos of this labyrinth, click here.
This is a Web-page affiliated with the Well-Fed Spirit Website. While the content contained on this page is intended to provide positive, complimentary & helpful information reviewing the labyrinth at IIC, this page is not formally affiliated with that organization.

1100 W. 42nd St, Indianapolis, IN 46208 • main office: 317-923-3617 *